
Container based setup

When to use Container based deployment?

  • Native packages are not available for all the distributions. Kadalu Storage packages are available for Ubuntu 22.04 and work is in progress for other distributions like Debian, Fedora and CentOS.

  • Clutter-free host machine.

  • Easy setup and management - No need to worry about the dependencies and other things while setting up the Kadalu Storage.

Session and working directory

Create two docker volumes as follows.

  • kadalu_workdir - Directory to persist configurations and state.

  • kadalu_session - Directory to store session details to use the CLI

docker volume create kadalu_workdir
docker volume create kadalu_session

Prepare Storage backend

Kadalu Storage supports many backend filesystems. XFS and ZFS are the two widely used backend filesystems with Kadalu Storage or GlusterFS.


mkfs.ext4 -I 512 /dev/vda
mkdir -p /exports/storage1
mount -t ext4 /dev/vda /exports/storage1


mkfs.xfs -f -i size=512 -n size=8192 -d su=128K,sw=10 /dev/vda
mkdir -p /exports/storage1
mount -t xfs /dev/vda /exports/storage1


Create a Zpool and then create a dataset

zpool create exports /dev/vda
zfs create exports/storage1

A directory from the root filesystem

mkdir -p /exports/storage1

Configure Log directory

Create a directory in the host machine to collect the logs from the container.

mkdir -p /var/log/kadalu

Start the Container

Now start the Kadalu Storage container by running the following command. Make sure to update the export directory path as required in your setup. Note: Add multiple export paths if required (When multiple disks available per node)

sudo docker run -d                        \
    --network host                         \
    -v kadalu_workdir:/var/lib/kadalu      \
    -v kadalu_session:/root/.kadalu        \
    -v /exports/storage1:/exports/storage1 \
    -v /var/log/kadalu:/var/log/kadalu     \
    --privileged                           \
    --restart unless-stopped               \
    --name kadalu-$(hostname)              \
    --hostname $(hostname)                 \

Thats it, now verify that the storage node container is running by executing the following command.

$ sudo docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                       	COMMAND              	CREATED          	STATUS          	PORTS 	NAMES
3d9506e4900b   kadalu/storage-node:latest  	"/usr/bin/supervisord"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute         	kadalu-server1


Now create the following alias

alias kadalu='sudo docker exec -it kadalu-$(hostname) kadalu'

With this, execute all the kadalu commands from the host machine itself. For example

$ kadalu --version

Above command will be expanded as

sudo docker exec -it kadalu-$(hostname) kadalu --version